Tradução & Definição

a line (of cosmetics): uma linha, uma série (de cosméticos) noun
This is one of our most successful lines. Esta é uma das nossa linhas de maior sucesso.


  • "Aside from its famed lines of clothing, elegant runway models and shows, PLP released a number of high-end fragrances over the years including the controversial "Opiate"."
  • "A unisex line is something Delavigne really needs."
  • "In addition to using all-natural ingredients, the new line (code-named "WorldBlends") is produced under humane conditions."
  • "The point is that I have big plans for this company - we are going to make an exclusive line of perfumes for babies, and naturally the first step is baby testing."
  • "Furthermore they have decided to add our line of lotions to their shelves."
  • "Susie : As I mentioned in my email, we are considering marketing a unisex line of products which obviously would appeal to both male and female consumers."
  • "An outspoken conservative businessman, speaking on condition of anonymity, went so far as to say that the new line is another ploy by liberals to exploit easily-influenced consumers."
  • "Susie : Well, firstly, we're interested in a new line of products for 15 to 24 year-old men."
  • "Industry pundits, however, are already calling the new line an attempt to capitalize on the hype surrounding environmental awareness."
  • "He was one of the first to use black runway models in his shows, and his "ready to wear" lines of clothing democratized fashion for the masses."

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